In Search of the Best Cookies in Hoboken

Jeffrey Somers
Mar 31, 2018 10:16 PM

Let’s face it, cookies get taken for granted. Cupcakes, sliced cake, ice cream—all sorts of treats get plenty of attention. But cookies are just sort of there—especially since most of us default to thinking of the dry packaged kind you find in the supermarket, or homemade cookies baked up in our own oven. It’s time, then, to elevate the common cookie to its rightful place: One of the most awesome treats ever invented. Heartier than cupcakes, more portable then cake, and designed to be enjoyed with a healthful glass of milk—but who’s got the best cookies in Hoboken? Here’s a completely objective, 100% exhaustive investigation into the issue, for which we fully expect to win some sort of Pulitzer Prize.

Bean Vault

This tiny coffee spot neat the PATH has great coffee, yes. It also has some of the best, chunkiest cookies in town, made by Tom and Geri Cookies. These are big (and exactly cheap) and delicious, the kind of cookies that feel substantial in your hand and make you feel fortified for the trials to come. We’d rate these pretty high, to be honest, though their size and cost ($4) might not make them ideal for all budgets and scenarios.

Bucket & Bay

You might think of this place as a gelato scoop shop, and you wouldn’t be wrong, because that’s what it is. That doesn’t mean it can’t sell cookies, too, and the ones they sell are awesome. They’ve got a few varieties you won’t find elsewhere, like pizelles or ginger molasses, and they all sport a satisfying lack of perfection that speaks of a homemade touch.


If you want something other than the usual sugar cookies and variations on the chocolate chip/oatmeal style, head over to Ultramarinos for a different kind of cookie, inspired by the pan-Latin menu favored by chef/owner Maricel Presilla—like alfajoies, a variation on a traditional South American cookie. Every choice is an excellent one, and the variety is delicious.


People tend to lead with the fact that you can call or click Insomnia at 2AM and half an hour later they will deliver hot, fresh cookies to you. And that is a modern miracle, but it also obscures the fact that these are actually some pretty kick-ass cookies. These aren’t the most unusual or creative cookies—in fact, they tend to stick to the basics. But they’re well-made, freshly-baked, and hit the spot at any time of day.


Sweet is one of the best bakeries in town, the sort of small bakery that pumps out fresh goods all day long. Their cupcakes get a lot of attention (they opened in the midst of the Great Cupcake Wars of the early oughts) but their cookies are great, too. The highlight is their sugar cookie kung fu, which is at a very high level. They offer a lot of holiday-specific sugar cookies as well, so next time you get a day off from work stop by and check it.

Baking Mama

All of the preceding bakeries are awesome, but our pick for best cookies is Baking Mama. Like Sweet, this tiny spot is both storefront and workspace, and you can see Tina Rivera working on the next batch of deliciousness. Baking Mama has a great mix of traditional cookie types as well as some unusual, unexpected innovations (Purple Yam Cookies, anyone?). They’re the perfect size, the right price, and each one is like eating a tiny bit of glory. Get at them.

What’s your fave cookie spot in town?

Jeffrey Somers
Staff Writer
Jeff Somers ( is the author of 9 novels including We Are Not Good People ( and the publisher of The Inner Swine ( Jeff may be reach at . Follow him on Twitter at @jeffreysomers .



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