Hoboken Residents Plan Union Dry Dock Rally On Earth Day

Aida M. Toro
Apr 19, 2018 3:23 PM

The Union Dry Dock (UDD) has been a delicate subject in Hoboken lately. With NY Waterway’s plan to turn the site into a depot for diesel refueling, maintenance and storage for ferry fleet, Mayor Ravi Bhalla, and the Hoboken community decided to come together and protest against NY Waterway this upcoming Friday.The UDD site is located on Sinatra Drive between Maxwell Place Park and Castle Point Skate Park and is currently owned by New York Waterway. The UDD was originally utilized as a dry dock for restoring barges and is considered to be the only remaining industrial waterfront in Hoboken since all of the working docks and factories located in the city’s waterfront were replaced by parks, offices, and apartment buildings. Bhalla and the city’s residents are rallying for this cause because they want to relay a message to Governor Phil Murphy and NJ Transit as well. The residents want Murphy and NJ Transit to protect an ecologically sensitive intertidal zone, an intensively used recreational area, and a decades-old plan to complete a contiguous public park at Hoboken’s 1.5-mile length of riverfront.Interested in advocating for clean air and water at the Mile Square’s beloved waterfront? The rally will begin at 6 pm and will take place in Maxwell Place Park on April 20th to align with Earth Day.

Aida M. Toro
Aida is a journalist with a passion for gastronomy, fashion, and fitness. She was born and raised in Hudson County and enjoys writing pieces that inspire the residents of the communities in the county. Aida has a BA in Journalism from NJCU and has been published by well-known publications such as North Jersey.com (The Bergen Record), HobokenGirl.com, and The Girls Soccer Network. Aside from being a journalist, Aida enjoys cooking paleo recipes and working out at the Crossfit box she’s a member of.



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